Software Localization


best practices on software localization

Interested in Software localization? Read our articles below and find out best practices, tips and how-tos to create an effective and financially feasible localization strategy.

Inclusive Design

Embracing Inclusive Design: Creating Interfaces for Every Gender

Listen to this article now: “A different language is a different vision of life.” A quote attributed to Federico Fellini, famous Italian filmmaker, who 60 years ago started producing and directing black-and-white films in a world so different from today’s, a world that was in many aspects so binary as the color of the then …

Embracing Inclusive Design: Creating Interfaces for Every Gender Read More »

Why Do Most Startups Fail to Scale Internationally

Why Do Most Startups Fail to Scale Internationally?

Listen to this article now: The startup world is an exciting place to be. Inspired by innovation, driven by values, and determined to make the world a better place, startups are primed for success. But there’s more to winning loyal customers and securing a meaningful market share than a good idea. Strategy is integral from …

Why Do Most Startups Fail to Scale Internationally? Read More »


What Is Glocal?

Listen to this article now: According to Britannica encyclopedia, glocalization is “the simultaneous occurrence of both universalizing and particularizing tendencies in contemporary social, political, and economic systems”. This term is believed to derive from the Japanese word “dochakuka” and its actual meaning is global localization. Japanese used this term to describe the concept of localizing …

What Is Glocal? Read More »

Localization tips for SaaS companies

Localization Tips for SaaS Companies

Listen to this article now: Software localization is the process of tailoring a software product to meet the language and cultural expectations of the end user. Software localization goes beyond simple text translation. Everything from the imagery, colors, symbolism, and font size are tweaked to ensure a seamless user experience in every country and region …

Localization Tips for SaaS Companies Read More »

App localization - Commit Global (1)App localization - Commit Global (1)

How to Localize Your App and Increase Downloads

Listen to this article now: Incredibly, 83.72 percent of the world’s population own a smartphone, and in 2021, 230 billion apps were downloaded to mobile devices across the globe. If your business has published an app, you have the potential to reach an almost inconceivable number of people. However, language and cultural barriers can prevent …

How to Localize Your App and Increase Downloads Read More »

What Is Mobile App Localization (1)

What Is Mobile App Localization & Why Is It Vital for Global Success?

Listen to this article now: Mobile devices have become an essential part of our everyday lives and have evolved to the primary tool for a good number of our activities. This is the result of the mobile technologies development, that offers easy to use and affordable solutions for almost everything we do. The vastly increasing …

What Is Mobile App Localization & Why Is It Vital for Global Success? Read More »

SaaS localization (1)

5 Reasons to Localize your SaaS Product

Listen to this article now: The prolonged period of the pandemic, brought considerable changes in the way we work, as well as in several aspects of our everyday life. During this period, SaaS companies saw a significant increase in the demand of their services. Also, surveys have shown that people are more willing to get …

5 Reasons to Localize your SaaS Product Read More »

Startup international growth

Startups and International Growth: Statistics & Considerations (Video)

Listen to this article now:   Among all the changes COVID-19 has brought about, it has also elevated the role of startups as an enabler of digital transformation and a key player in the fight against the virus. A big win we have also achieved amidst this pandemic is to create a global front against the virus where companies …

Startups and International Growth: Statistics & Considerations (Video) Read More »

mHealth App Localization

mHealth App Localization: Do special regulatory terms apply?

Listen to this article now:   The rapid technological advances and the ever expanding use of mobile devices, from smartphones and tablets to wearables and wireless sensors, have not left the healthcare sector unaffected. In this article we will touch upon the definition of the mHealth apps, the relevant FDA policies and the EU regulations …

mHealth App Localization: Do special regulatory terms apply? Read More »

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