Localization Project Management


Project Management

Want to learn more about Localization project management? Read our articles below and find out best practices, tips and how-tos.

Translation KPIs

Translation KPIs: How to Measure Your Localization Efforts

Listen to this article now: Competition now takes place in an increasingly globalized marketplace. In this context, translation and localization enable businesses to expand into new markets, improve customer satisfaction, and drive revenue growth. But how do you know if your translation and localization project was worth it? That’s where key performance indicators (KPIs) help. Far …

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How Can Global Translation Services Help My Business (1)

How Can Global Translation Services Help My Business?

Listen to this article now: The rapid advancement of technology and globalization has opened up vast opportunities for companies to gain strong international recognition and make their mark in the global market. However, with diversity comes the challenge of language barriers. In order for your business to be in a lead spot in foreign markets, …

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Signs You Need to Change Your Translation Agency

Signs You Need to Change Your Translation Agency

Listen to this article now: In today’s world, where businesses expand across continents and individuals communicate across borders, the demand for accurate and reliable translation services has never been greater. Selecting the right translation agency plays a crucial role in ensuring effective communication and successful international ventures. The importance of this decision lies in the …

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How to Plan a Translation Project (1)

How to Plan a Translation Project?

Listen to this article now: In today’s fast-paced world, the widespread use of technology and the diverse range of content requiring translation have led to more intricate localization projects with varying levels of complexity. With the introduction of numerous new tools and processes, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. However, you can …

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7 Things to Look For in a Global Translation Agency

7 Things to Look For in a Global Translation Agency

Listen to this article now: Translating content from one language to another is not always a straightforward process, yet mistakes and misunderstandings are not an option for your business. You need quality — authentically translated content that precisely communicates your desired message and does not offend your target audience. To achieve this goal, you need …

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Translation RFP

How to Create the Right Translation RFP – Step-By-Step Guide

How to align your RFP/RFI with changing market and customer requirements The question on how to align bidding content with changing requirements is one for both the buyer and supplier of localization services. How can the buyer ask the right questions and filter out the best candidates for the job; and how can suppliers stand …

How to Create the Right Translation RFP – Step-By-Step Guide Read More »

Translation RFP Pitfalls

Translation RFP Pitfalls & How to Avoid Them

Conducting a translation request for proposal (RFP) just because it is a mandatory part of company policy is a no-go. The effectiveness of an RFP depends on due diligence preparation. Issuing an RFP “the quick and dirty” way is worse than not conducting one at all. What are the risks? In the Preparation Phase Other …

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Translation Bidding Process

How to Choose a Translation Bidding Process

Defining the most effective Translation Bidding Process and Request for Proposal (RFP) criteria and aligning these with changing company needs and requirements is not always an easy task. There are several reasons why buyer companies engage in a type of request for information regarding services and have included this requirement as part of company policy. …

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localization partner

How to find the localization partner that is right for your business

Listen to this article now: Finding the right localization partner can be a challenge, but is also crucial for your business as it reflects on the quality of your products. But, how can you ensure that you’re buying top quality services when you are not familiar with a language and cannot evaluate the results yourself? …

How to find the localization partner that is right for your business Read More »

Entering a new market 3 tips for smart budget allocation

Entering a new market?
3 tips for smart budget allocation

“It’s very easy to be different but very difficult to be better”, says Jonathan Ive, Chief Design Officer, Apple. And in a global economy and a fully connected world, ‘better’ should know no limits, and it does not. If you’ve built something good, word travels and customers emerge from different corners of the globe. But …

Entering a new market?
3 tips for smart budget allocation
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